Sunday, February 25, 2007

This isn't good...-- February 24, 2007

This has been a tough past few days. On Thursday I was running on the treadmill, set to do 4 miles, when at about a mile and a half the left side of my left knee began to ache. With every step the pain was worse. I slowed the machine to a walking pace, upset that I had to slow down, but determined to do the 4 miles. After a minute of walking I began running again. Another 1/4 mile in the pain was back.

The pain was too much so I decided not to risk permanent damage. I can work out tomorrow. I should also mention that on Saturday, Shannon and I were to run in our first training race. The Al Gordon Snowflake 4 Mile is a race in Central Park in memory of Al Gordon, a gentleman who was a part of The New York Road Runner back in the day. As I walked up the steps to my apartment I thought that I might not be able to run on Saturday. The pain was tremendous! Every step I took felt as if a hot knife was slicing across the side of my leg just above my knee.

I took Friday off from work, hopeful that I would be able to rest enough to run on Saturday. I hobble around the house that afternoon trying to understand what has happened. Putting weight on the leg doesn't hurt, it's the range of motion that is torture.

Needless to say I did not run yesterday. I went to the race as a support for Shannon and she did a fantastic job! Check out this link to see for yourself :

I felt good Sat. morning. My leg did not hurt until we arrived at the park. The hills and the 22 degree weather were brutal on my knee. It was in quite a bit of pain until I could get out of the cold.

We met our coach for the first time; Coach Ramon. What a great guy! Very enthusiastic, very friendly, and knows his stuff. I briefly explained what happened and he instantly knew what it was. I have injured my Tensor Fasciae Latae. It's a long tendon that runs from the hip to the knee on the outer part of the leg. Long and short is I will need to seek attention for the issue with a physical therapist and possible acupuncture. Lovely.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Feburary 19, 2007 -- Ouch.

Okay, so my 'running muscles' are very angry with me.Apparently there is a muscle in my upper left quad that has not been used in awhile. I haven't had muscles express their anger with me since the last time I used my 'bowling muscles.'

I'm not really sure what I've gotten myself into here.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18, 2007 -- And so it begins...

On Moday, while mailmen and Congress celebrated the collective presidential birthdays, I began training for my very first marathon. It's still kinda of chilly in New York, so Shannon and I trucked over to the gym to use the treadmills. After standing in line for about 5 minutes I was able to hop on a treadmill and begin, anticipation of my hair being blown by the warm, recycled air was exciting.

I ran a total distance of, drumroll please, 2.25 miles.

The first mile was great. However, at about 1.01 mile I thought someone was jamming a pencil into my side! Is that supposed to happen?

For the first time really running in years I think today went fairly well. Shannon is kicking my butt, she ran 3 miles. I'll catch her.