Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18, 2007 -- And so it begins...

On Moday, while mailmen and Congress celebrated the collective presidential birthdays, I began training for my very first marathon. It's still kinda of chilly in New York, so Shannon and I trucked over to the gym to use the treadmills. After standing in line for about 5 minutes I was able to hop on a treadmill and begin, anticipation of my hair being blown by the warm, recycled air was exciting.

I ran a total distance of, drumroll please, 2.25 miles.

The first mile was great. However, at about 1.01 mile I thought someone was jamming a pencil into my side! Is that supposed to happen?

For the first time really running in years I think today went fairly well. Shannon is kicking my butt, she ran 3 miles. I'll catch her.

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